
If there is a dependency, Make it explicit

In "work effectively with legacy code", there is one chapter describing how to put a class, which uses a singleton object's method in its contructor, into test harness. The author argues that singleton(or global data) makes the code opacity and hard to understand. I didn't quite catch the point when I first read that. Until recently, when I tried to read a program's source code and write some documents for it, I began to understand the author's point, and found it can't be more right.

The program read some data from server, organized them and showed them in widgets. I wanted to find out what kind of data need when initializing a table. The widget class had not parameters in its constructor and not a member data which was like from server. But it had a method named "PopulateTable". It seemed to be a good place to start. I checked this method, and found it query some data through APIs in a global namespace, following it are a bunch of methods, which seemed like to process data and set up the widget. I thought that's all and continued the program. However the program stopped in a breakpoint in communication module, it really surprised me. I checked the stack, and found I miss a method named "SetXXXXX" in "PopulateTable", which took no parameter and queryed an additional data through another API in the global name space. Thank god, I had put a breakpoint in the communication module and it was the first time the program loaded the data, which would be cached in local memory and the program would had never meet the breakpoint then. Luck is the last thing we want to rely on, right? So I had to go back to the class, and searched every place where the global name space were used. And thank god again, it's just an easy case. If the class had many other classes, I had to go through all of them...

This is an example of that singleton, global API, or global data make the code hard to understand. They hide the dependency of a class in the implementation detail and make it impossible to figure out what this class needs or what this class do to the data outside. Think about an alternative design for this class, it reads the data explicitely from its PopulatesTable method, or it has a data class as parameter of its constructor, which has explicite methods to push the data into the widget class. Is it much more clear and easier to understand the code?

So what's the problem of global things? The most serious problem is that it makes developer lazy. If I have a global interface, why do I bother to add a parameter to a method or a class, not mention to think about the abstraction? As a consequence, the implementation detail lies everywhere, the code has no layers, every part of code are coupled together. Then it becomes a nightmare for the person who maintains them. Want to modify some functions(I can't understand the code in a short time)? Want to put them into a test harness( I want to have different kinds of data to test several boudary condition. But the class get the data from a global interface? How can I mock the data?)? Want to extend the function( I want to add another way to process data, but the class use some global interfaces to process data, how can I effectively reuse the original code?)? etc... Each kind of this question will kill the person.

There is another subtle implicit dependcy we don't notice, the events in GUI.
I once added a method to a plot class, the method loaded the data from file and show it. The plot had another method which would recalculate the plot data from some results. But the plot loaded from local files didn't have such kind of results, it had to query them from its parent window. So I had to add this function. "Dependency is bad", I thought. So I decided to post a event up, and the plot needed not to know who's its parent.
Did this plot depend on its parent class? It seemed not. But in fact it did. It depended on the way parent window responding to the event to guarantee it was in a good state. The very bad side of this method is it make dependency not obvious. If we don't notice this contraints and change its parent window to one that doesn't care this event, compiler can't give us any error or warning for that, then we would really be in trouble for inducing some subtle bugs.
I think about the reason for the decision using the event at that time. I find it's just a excuse that it's for avoiding the dependency. The truth is the parent window's header file are included by many other cpp files, I just didn't want to cost the compile time. Yes, it was just because I was lazy that I made that decision. It did nothing about breaking dependency. If I really wanted to break dependency, I would try to write a controller class to coordinate the data between the parent and the plot.
So think twice when you use event as a communication method between widget. In my opinion, a controller is always a better choice, it shows obvious and meaningful dependency.( If many widgets have dependency on each other, at most of time it's a sign that these widget classes break the SRP, you have to split the business logic out of them, and make the widget classes just be repsonsible for showing something)

Too many dependencies among the classes are bad, but introducing the implicit depencies do much more harm. So when there exists a dependency, make it as explicit as possible. It's not fun to surprise the person who read you code, let along to surprise the user with bug introduced by the implicit dependencies.





1. 首要的原则
2. 单一职责原则(SRP)
在Unix的设计哲学中,一个程序应该满足:do one thing and do it well. 这个是分割整个复杂性的一个有效的方法。对于OO设计中的类也同样遵守这样的一个原则:一个类应该只负责一种职责 。
需要注意的是,这些变化因素的粒度是由实际需求控制的。如果两个职责在应用程序中总是同时变化的,那么这两个职责可以认为是同一个职责,应该将他们并在同 一个类中去。另外一个职责应该是实际需求中确实可能存在变化的因素,如果没有任何征兆显示出变化的可能性,而滥用任何的原则那么都是不明智的。这样可能引 入不必要的复杂性。
3. 开放封闭的原则(OCP)
一个模块应该具有这两个特征,a)open for extension. b) close for modification.
另外,应用一个好的OCP原则是需要比较高的成本的,毕竟设计一个好的抽象接口不是容易的事情,因此只有确定需要应对改变的地方才值得去应用这个原则,或 者是只有第一次变化到来的时候才考虑使用。宁愿被第一个子弹射中,确保自己不被同一只枪发射的子弹再次射中。
4. LSP替换原则
一个容易被忽视的方面是如何理解这个“可以替换”。这个替换不能孤立的来看的,而是要在应用程序的上下文的语境中来思考。例如一个Rectangle类和 一个Square类,孤立来看Square继承Rectangle似乎没有什么问题,但是如果在应用程序中对Rectangle存在这样一个假设:长,宽 是可以单独改变的。那么这个替换就是不合理的了,在这个语境之下Square类不应该成为Rectangle类的子类。
因此,在OOD中is-a的原则是基于行为方式而言的,行为方式一致性是基于客户程序中的假设决定的。可以通过函数设计中的precondition和 postcondition来对基类的行为进行约束。那么对于一个派生类的相同的行为接口,只能使用和原来的一致或者更为宽松的 precondition,使用和原来的一致或者更为严格的postcondition(一句话,输入接受一切基类的precondition,输出不能 违背基类的postcondition),这样这个派生类对于用户是透明的,用户的操作不会因为使用哪个派生类而受到影响。
5. 依赖导致原则(DIP)
我们需要摆脱通常的那种观点,一个工具库应该拥有自己的接口。应用了DIP原则时候,客户拥有了抽象接口,提供它们需要的一些服务入口,它们的服务接口则 从这些接口进行派生。高层的业务策略不应该依赖于下层的细节,而是高层的业务策略提供自己需要的一组接口,下层的具体细节实现这些接口。
6. 接口隔离原则(ISP)

刚开始设计和编码的时候就应用设计模式可能会存在过设计的问题,因为当时的可见的常常并不能帮助回答这个是否需要的问题。因此比较赞同作者的观点,就是在实 际的设计和编码过程中,先从一个最简单的结构开始,在不断的重构中去解决那些有悖于上面原则的过程,这样可能最后发现设计或者代码已经接近一个特定的模式 了,最后再把类的名字改成模式的名字,并且重整代码成为更为正规形式来使用模式。这样,代码就回归为模式。